Sunday, 27 November 2016

Illustration Course Week 8

This was the final class of the illustration course I've been teaching for The Public House, at least until it starts again in January. The theme for this session was 'working with what's there' and I introduced various exercises that allowed the students to adapt and modify what they found on the page in front of them. These included activities like the 'prepared ground' technique in which students started with a heavily shaded area and then made marks into the pencil tone with an eraser. At the end of the session, the group reflected on all the work that had been done since week one and discussed what they'd found challenging and where they might take their work in future.

It's been a lot of fun to teach this course - the students have been receptive and have always taken on whatever prompt I've given them. Teaching this course has really made me reflect on my own artistic practice too, which is something I didn't expect. I'm really looking forward to January!

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